Afro - Zwanaka: Book Cafe

Afro-Zwanaka: Book Cafe

Physical Address
1111 Block AA

Official Opening: 03 September 2011
Business Hours: Sat : 09H30 - 19H30
                           Sun: 09H30 - 19H30


  • Break fast - Bacon and egg variations, Omeletts and toasts...
  • Lunch  - Fish and Chicken Breasts served with side items of the day.
  • Salads - Greek and chicken
  • Fruit Salad
  • Drinks - Hot and Cold: no alcoholic beverages.
  • Ice Cream dishes - Milk shakes and Ice cream Bowls.

In any race and nation a prophet is born to spread the good
news and wisdom, to give hope to the poor, to lead by example and
to explain the mysteries of the world seen and unseen. How long shall they kill, imprison, stone and crucify of our prophets..??

Remembering Sobukwe: 25/02/2012

Human Touch

 Sista Phindi reading Prof Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe's speech of 1949 at a "completers social"

Nkosikhona handed copies of his latest book: Unaccomplished - the journey of a social activist.

The usual suspects...

Some of our in-house Books


  • The official opening: 03 September 2011.
  • 2012 Re-Opening: Date - 28 January 2012.
  • Book reading Club Launch: 02 June 2012 - 15H00