Poetry - word stream


A Song

 She swings her petals exposing her innermost gifts
That elusive nectar of ages
Covered with sweet aromas and ancients scents
The sun radiant against her back
Reflecting the bright amber colour of her soul 
The blue sky lusciously spread across her dreams

The buzz was like a teaser that commanded her juices
His silky touch pierced her nipples
Love leaked in all pours
The bliss of offering and receiving
Giving birth to a common song

The Flower and the Bee
A song written in the pages of pure hearts
A song, a song
Yet to be chanted

A song for life

My hope is in you.
My hope is in you

Your steady hands that pulled me from the womb of the earth
Pressed me against thy tender breast
The many kisses of assurance
The mystical lullaby
The clicking tongues
Were all for us to be one

My hope is in you

 Spirits intertwined
Hearts woven in bloody cords
For joy and pain are sisters
Life and death are brothers
You and I are just one
Who can separate thoughts from words?

My hope is in you.

No more

I don’t want to run away anymore
I don’t want to fight against my memory anymore

I would not cry again for the same ache
I would not apologise again

No more

No more you
No more us
Only me

I will fail again
I will fall again

Yet again
Again and again
I will soar

No More

I will trust again
I will love again
I will teach and learn again
I will give again
I will be patient again
I will sing again

But all this
For me

No more


If I had a father

I would sit at his feet and ask him in a childish way
Papa do you love Mama?
If I had a father

I would be childish and show him the water coloured picture
Of my dreams

If I had a father
I would do like all children and show him the girl
I am going to marry when I grow-up

If I had a Father
I would tell him on behalf of all the children
I love you.

She, the darker one

Burdened by her skin colour

That made the world tremble with fear
As she appeared…
She carried our hope and our saviour in her womb
Wrapped around with fine linen are her fine curves
A fine print she is
We cling on her strong back…the rock of ages
Tasted her sweat…the alixter of life
The stars are following her…
The wise men of old are searching for her
The world wants to ridicule her
The jealous ones want to arrest her
The foolish want to kill her
The evil ones want to destroy her
The good want to use her
The loving want to hurt her
The righteous ones want to crucify her

The gods and the goddesses have blessed her
With a kiss that toned her skin
She, the darker one
Burdened by her skin colour
She locked and binds her hair
For she is the mother of all mothers
The sun has given her a name
She be called…..The darker one!!!

The timing clock
Can’t this clock be silenced?
It is ticking me off
Tapping my soul
Opposing my thoughts
Cooked between hours
In midnight express
Timed to perfection
Engineered to move in circles
Ah! The wheel of time

Stop this clock!
Before I lose my timing
Like a slave in a religious chain
Misfiring mental engines
Broken timing chain
Culture up in smoke
Until when, we asked
In time, they said
The time was yesterday...we all know
Ah! The hands of time

Man made a clock
To time men

Every day I wake…

Every day I wake you up
To look at you so I can see my face

Every day I wake my people up
So that they can wake me up

Every day I wake up
To see you with them without me 

Once, upon a time…

A man rose ahead of light
Swinging the rusty gates
Of his match box house
To step outside himself
Leaving his identity behind
To demand an unjust justice
From the minister of justice
Without a justifiable majority
All he got was a cold bed in an island
Distressing solitary confinement
Masterminded by a special clause
Guarded by special gents, agents and angels       
Too upright to be rehabilitated, they said!
A hazard to minority welfare and a threat to the security of the opulent

A window in his heart and mind

Always revealed…
He was never alone…Africa will always remember!!!

For: R.M. Sobukwe.

Sing me a song

Sing a song of my heart
Let thy gentle voice roll into my ears
To tap my deepest senses
Split my lungs and let me inhale your lyrics
Chant down my fears
Nurse my soul with thy resonance

Sing me a song of my Mother
Let thy womb be my solace
Let thy chorus leak from thy tender breast
Carve thy notes across my memory
Let thy cord be tact and strong

Sing me your song
Pierce my sorrows of loneliness
Add a blissful verse to my tune of hope
Let thy song be my morning prayer
Eh! Let thy song be the one added to the one
Let the angels hum the last stretches

As your song turns to a lullaby
I now rest my head
                              Knowing I will breath your song

                                                                                    My dreams muted no more


Hey! Someone shot me!!
While darkness was watching and smiling
I was fighting and yelling
The light was hiding and sleeping
He left me on the ground
With four rivulets
I am certain you know him
When you see him again

 Tell him, I stood up!!

A Black Woman is a Goddess...

She cannot die...
She will not die...
She is the vital force of nature...
She is Life...

A Black woman is He...
For He comes from Her...
From Her breast He drank...
And He said of Her
" ...A bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh..."

OH! The Black Goddess

Great Grand Mother Ma...Ma-Khulu
The Goddess of music Ma-Rimba le Ma-Keba

The Goddess of the nation Ma-Sechaba/No-Sizwe
The Goddess of Rain Ma-Pula/No-Mvula
The Greatest of them all Ma-Ma

A Black woman will live forever…

Going with the flow
She looks at the ceiling
As if it was about to fall
Her legs relaxed against the wall
Her long hair lingers over the cushions
Deep in her thoughts she sinks
Even thunder could not resuscitate her
As the showers rolled slowly down window
A brief smile surfaced from her longing lips
For she was pulling memory strings with her thoughts
Like a child on a swing, there was joy in her heart
For she knew…the waiting was over
A tap on the window pane
Was like a perfect piano key
Her juices escapes her trembling body
The door seems so far
She moves fast, but all in slow motion
I am home!!
A soft deep voice on the other side
Shattering her ear drums
As she is about to open the door with all her might and force
She hears his heart beat drumming through the door
Like a marimba drum in the dead of the night
She looks back to a clock – behind her
Fear grips her viciously
As she realises what time it was…

I found a picture

It’s a picture of a boy and a girl
In love with their youth
Forgetting their responsibilities

I found a Picture.

It is a picture of me and yesterday
In love with tomorrow
Forgetting today

I found a picture

It is a picture of my Father and my Mother
In love for a moment
Forgetting that moment in the next

I found a picture

It’s a picture of a nation
In love with freedom
Forgetting the children

In the land of the blind

The eye that will not see
Blinded by dust
The snow of the dessert
That erases the footprints of time
The navigation of sons and daughters
Painted and curved on ancient stones
Of the haunted caves of the holy ones
Who left behind their deafening echo
That seeks to shatter the untouchable
And the distant darkness
That blinds the naked eye
Erecting artificial shades
Adding colorants and sweeteners
The incurable brain cancer
That distorts and corrupts the vision
Of the guardian eye

The eye that will not see
Drowning in its own salty tears
The hunting pack has lost their trail
Hunger and shattered dreams that lead to
A sudden loss of sight by a breast feeding mother
Survived by her blind children

And a one eyed King

With an eye that will not see.


CD4 counts
Injections, Intoxication and interjections
Pills, poisons and perpetual pain
Decaying blood cells
Infiltrating agents of mass destruction
Suicide bombers threatening body defences
Nuclear testing and experiments
Human sacrifices called trials
Political pulpits spreading ABC gospel
Virus flowing in blood streams undetectable
Bursting veins and swollen glands
Corrective and preventative comedy
Plastics suffocating babies thrown in waste bins
Multiple BEE Partners awarding
Treatment tenders without protection
To activists committed to the struggle of drug dealers
Microbiology labs turned to macro-economist boardrooms
Stigma caused by loss of appetite and mental bankruptcies
Liquidation by word bank leads to
Traditional interventions
More debates and divisions
Us and them
The negative and the positive

The infected and affected
The serial killer virus
Is in the ignorant mind.
Prevention interventions – as simple as ABC
How will the treatment of the symptoms, the misdirected actions and all this boardroom

 campaigns strengthen the bone marrow?

All she is

When they said, " she should slow down…"
She knew it was time to run
When they said, "she is still young…"
She knew her time had come
When they said, "she can’t…"
She knew, she must…
When they said, "she must wait…"
It was obvious she had to go…
When they said, "she is just a woman…"
She gave birth to a man…

All she is
Is who she needs to be
All she needs to be
It’s all that she is

Pain Drops

In her tears
I drowned...
The endless streams
Driven by her pain
Strong tides
Against my will

I am sorry, I said
To be the man I am
A less-man

For her tears
I was life-less
For her!

The end-less streams
Her end-less nightmare
All against my will

One day my Son

Many nights Gone
My love so distant
How I wish
To hear you say good night

All I want
Is for you to know
My story

Mountains stand between us
Rivers flow against our dream
All we have
Is our song – Philani
How I wish
To sing with you
Our chorus
To break the longing
Of thy tender voice

All I want
Is for you to know
My story
Is your story

One day…

Vuka Nkunzi - For Sicelo Blose
Vuka nkunzi emoyeni
Umzimba uhlulekile
Amaphaphu aphunyukile
Inhliziyo  ivuzile
Inqondo  ishiyekile

Vuka Blose emoyeni
Nali ifa lakho
Unguna phakade
Beka izinyoni zezulu
Zicula ihubo lakho
Phakamisa amehlo akho
Uqinise ithambo lomoya

Vuka nkunzi
Uqine emoyeni
Uqhakaze nje nge mbali
Uthingo la bazali
Igugu le nhliziyo
Izinyo le njabulo

Vuka ndoda yama doda
U khuthaze ingane
Uyincelise amasiko
Izulu liya vuma

Sidle ama thanga.

                       "Inga umoya wakhe unga thola ukuthula - may his departed soul find rest"

A Dimple and a smile

She is just a simple smiling girl
With a deep dimple
That digs a deep hole on my loving soul

She is just a simple smiling girl
With a deep dimple
That elevates me to a deep zone
Love zone

I smile and she smiles back
I realise…

What a simple girl,
A smiling girl
                       With a dimple

Behold the Fruit

The flame melts the wax
Partly chasing darkness away

In a rhythmic wave of melody
She slowly rest on her back
Exposing herself to a glittering light

Part of her naked body remains shaded
Her brown skin defines her inner flame
King Solomon would have written a song for her
Her flowery scent fills my every sense
Transporting me to enchanted gardens – the paradise of man
She whispers words in bubbles
To thee I offer the fruit
To reveal what’s hidden in my heart
The key to my soul
Ah! The fruit to have it all, to know it all
There is dead silence as the forbidden become desirable
Only my heart has courage to raise its voice
Its sound flows in a fast beat and broken rhythms
As the source of light seems to die off
I stretch my hand, to embrace the offering
A picture too perfect to erase
It is now my shaded body anointing her crown
As the darkness conquers the light
To hide the nakedness of two becoming one

A voice from deep in the cave of my heart – "Where are you?"
A suddenly realized
I am in a place where I don’t want to be found