Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Memezelo High School Re-Union.











I went to my high school 25th Anniversary and it was a blast of an event, to see again all those men and women whose hands have shaped my life, they all looked good and amazingly beautiful in spirit. The few former mates that were present were also in high spirit and warm hugs were the order of the day.

When one is in this kind of spaces you can’t help but to think if you should have done things differently and that if the opportunity presence itself again what would be your approach given the experience, it is unfortunate that the importance of institutionalised education is never realised until the later stages of life when material progression and accumulation, economic activity and to some extend social status is linked and directly affected by educational background.    

I saw the bully who tormented me at school and that altered my mood slightly as i battled with my innermost feelings and all of sudden I realised that  part of me is still angry at him after all these years but the rational man in me was able to let go, the past belongs to the past.

There was also the undeclared and denied love that I had to deal with, women that I was either secretly admiring or that I have declared love for them but far away from their ears. They looked stunning, matured and in good spirit…The temptation was there I must say to…

There was also an interaction with the present generation of learners with motivations and learnership opportunities offered to willing and deserving students by former student who have done well in their chosen professional field, which was really inspiring to say the least not only for the current learners but also to me. Giving back must always be priority for all…

I wished more people showed up but the few that were there made a day very special and memorable, I would like to thank all the people who made this event possible and a success and I really hope it is not the last. It was also in memory of all learners who passed on between then and now…

It was one tedious morning that I woke up with mixed feeling wore my new uniform, took to the streets went to a nearby school to start was then high schooling. We assembled in organised straight lines to listen for the first time to a man they called the principal; I can’t remember much of what he said that day but this I remember…

“What you put in life is what you will get out if…”Mr Mthimkhulu - 1987 Memezelo Assembly.

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