Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Treasure life's moments

Be Happy

When you see happiness sailing through the river time don’t say come and stay with me rather say let me go with you, to be happy is to be in a boundless journey of time, the perpetual movements of tides and the over flowing streams of eternity.  The waves rise and fall only to rise again dancing with the winds so does happiness, it will take you places only to leave you there…it will make you dream and allow the harshness of reality to wake you up…

Be happy when you are sad for the gods have visited you, it is because of sadness that happiness with her brothers and sisters came to be. Say not that I am happy but happiness is with me for if it finds you worthy of host it will pass through your happy valley gates, the village of your soul.

Be happy without a reason for it is unreasonable not to seek happiness in all of life’s passing moments, be happy when you have nothing, be happy when you are alone that is how the path is traveled, with nothing and alone.

It is written, seek first true happiness and everything shall follow. When you are happy you are never alone...

Be happy now, now is the possibility and tomorrow is a promise. A promise is a delayed possibility,

Be happy today…you will always leave in this day: TODAY

Today: Is a day to do things...

Inspired by The Prophet.

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