Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rise in LOVE

Rise in love…

Love belongs to no one; it does not have a master nor slave. Love is a powerful entity that can never be fully contemplated and articulated it belongs nowhere but found everywhere, love is in constant search of worthy host and those who search for love they always move in its opposite direction and the likelihood is that they might stumble across something that looks and feels like and hold on to that.

Rise in Love – Three Pillars of ascendance.

1.       Absolute emptiness:

Emptiness is to eliminate the ego(self) which is the “I”, this means to forget what man has taught you about love, often you hear people stating their requirement and preconditions for rising in and experiencing love. I want a woman who…or I want a man who… that is the “I” I am referring to in practical terms.  You can never set physical boundaries and conditions for love, emptiness is to hand out and to let go of that which is dear to you in order to allow in that which will fully embrace love should it choose to visit your heart.  Be like a child: clear your mind and your heart.

2.       Don’t Fall in:

This is the most testing and trying space and moment to be in after achieving absolute emptiness, the feeling of the void, the pinching loneliness, and the scary idea of being alone and growing old by yourself which is rooted in social orientations, this is a time when people lower their standards and reach out for that forbidden fruit. The result is separation, deviating from the original intentions, off-ramping from the highway of high morals, feeling naked and shameful and disappointment followed by another disappointment.

3.       Don’t trust your physical senses:

Duplication is a man’s greatest invention, every day you will have experiences that taste, look, sound, feel and smell real. Those who are moving in love’s opposite direction have perfected the art of imitation and as we all know imitations lead to irritations and disappointment is the result, lean more towards your natural instincts cause they are inclined to cosmic signs – the signs are always there don’t ignore them. Eliminate the element of surprise – test and investigate.


Absolute Emptiness – Mental
Absolute Determination – Willpower

Absolute Trust – heart 

To love is to be in a childlike state always seeking an opportunity to be playful, to be happier when you’re naked and to cry loud when you are confused and disappointed. It is a given that when you are experiencing love something of yours is lost and in its place is an indescribable sensation that will always shock your innermost and outermost system to the point of sheer pleasure or unbearable pain.
It is stated that the one that created the physical realm was so in love with his/her creation that he/she had to give up his/her only external self(son) so that it (the physical realm) can RISE IN LOVE!!!
The problem with people who are falling in love is that they never fall alone; they will take you down with them!!!
Rise in LOVE

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