Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It is not good for a man to be alone…

It is not good for a man to be alone…
The words are found in of book of beginnings 2:18
Three words I would like to defined in context of this post:
 Good – good is the balance, the opposing force which gives meaning and purpose by way of character and definition. Good, like light will always have a source.
Man – this word is not always gender based but singular in form, it refers to the intellectual animal called a human being whom the responsibility of harmonising and cultivating the physical creation is placed upon.
Alone – All + one: this is the consciousness of the mind and the activeness of the physical in finding oneself in the likeness of the other. The balance of the internal can be found in the external.
From the above it can be understood as; it is an abnormality for a human being to be all alone in his physicality and spirituality because a man is a social intelligent being hence none was found compatible in the animal kingdom to socialise and to provide that vital balance which is the opposing force. Remember that a man had a likeness and the image of the creator, man was the only living spirit that possessed such intellect and character, so for the animals man was the reflector of this power and gift and for man there was none to reflect such intellect and character.
It is for this reason every child must have a mother and a father to socialise and interact with in order to learn, to develop and to progress through realising power and the gift bestowed upon the soul. It is the creator who concluded that it is unfair to leave man all alone without a compatible social partner.
U muntu ungu muntu ngabantu/Motho ke motho ka batho: this means for us to fully comprehend the power and the gift in us we need one who has our likeness (character) and image (humanity) to reflect and to provide that opposing force which is the balance that will enhance our consciousness levels and propel our spirit to a higher level being. For a man to realise that which is good in the self there must be another man to give affirmation.
All + one = all in one: It’s very risky to put all your eggs in one basket we all know, according to this formula it is an imbalance to have everything within, all the power and every characteristic that defines the creator in one human shell. Separation in bondage is the balance, the vital balancing force that a man need in order to realise the potential, the power and purpose of being. In separation that bondage must still exist and be recognised which is defined as "...the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh"
Man was separated into two equal souls so that when these two souls needed to reproduce the one like them they should become one, when they needed to realise the potential, the power and purpose of their existence they should re-unite, the two souls became the balance and the opposing force as in male and female, mother and father one representing the image (beauty- feminine) of the creator and another representing the likeness (character- masculine) of the creator.
It is for that reason (result of separation) that a man (singular – separated soul) shall leave the mother and father (creator – meaning a man shall leave independent of the creator at some developmental point) and cling (re-unite to complete or to continue the work of the creator) to a suitable partner (singular – separated soul) to become one (alone = all in one).
The power of the two is in one thought and spirit when the likeness and image are all in one …that is the balance.
i + i = ii
This simply means when one unites with another of the same kind in same thoughts and in good spirit there will be a seed bearing fruit which is a good result(creation that which is deemed to be good)
i (male- character) + i(female- Image) = i(Parents/Creator)i(Fruit/Child)
i + i = ii
Most of the social ills, community problems, family disorientations and personal afflictions is the result of or linked to separation without bondage that which makes you see yourself in another, man must leave with the realisation that what is good for thyself it also good for your neighbour. The ten levels of realisation (Ten Commandments) are largely based on this philosophy, honour your creator, respect thyself and love your neighbour.

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