Saturday, November 5, 2011

You may be Gone

You will never be forgotten..

Sipho (Mawaza) Baloyi

Once i met this boy
With a smile larger than his face
He had an external heart without a door
His, was a borrowed mind
Wiser than that guy and smarter than this guy
He was just a simple boy
With a smile larger than his face

The last time i saw him
He was in a confined space

...he was still smiling...

May his soul find rest under the everlasting shade.


Miss you cuz!

It is said that time is the greatest healer, in time all our pains will turn to an understanding and this will be a cornerstone in our healing and recovery process. In our moments of great loss and pain we question certain things both internal and external like self believe, religious or cultural knowledge systems, the answers to these questions are not always readily available require time and effort to uncover so more suffering is experience. Pain is a moment without an understanding, in understanding there is knowledge and knowledge is the code of the moment meaning if you cannot decode and comprehend the moment and the space you’re in you will suffer.
Death is one of those experiences that bring a lot of suffering because although it is known that it will come to pass everyone will have an experience with death it is still not expected and to a large extend not welcomed; everything that has a beginning it surely must have an end.
 Death is life, without death we will not be able to define life.When a baby is born death is there lying dormant and patiently waiting and lingering, every sun rises with the possibility of it being the last, by hope and our sheer will we keep on making plans for the future just in case, our past and our future are all rolled up in this day which is today, on this day we were born and on this day we shall depart.
Death conquers the physical but the spiritual lives on, Legends such as Bantu Biko amongst many still lives in us; people still talk about him as if he is still tilling the ground today, memory is a phenomenal aspect of our lives even death cannot conquer it
Let us remember and cherish those who left us with good memories and made us who we are today, their light still shining in our hearts and it through their foot prints that we can find our own way and space under the sky. There is no child without parents and there is no brother without a sister and all of us have uncles and nephews, i have never met anyone without a cousin....In this life you are never alone give yourself and you shall have a friend.
Let us forgive those who left us with painful wounds that seems not heal, in our understanding let find that reason to move forward and continue to be part of that human force that is creating good experiences for the generations, to leave behind a legacy that will lift the poorest of souls in the darkest of their moments. Let’s share our loss by freely and openly remembering and sharing our memories of those who went ahead of us, those who were once part of our physical lives, who extended their hands to feed us when we were hungry and chose to be naked to hide our shame.

"A death of a man is a birth of an ancestor..."Yoruba proverb.

In any revolution there must be those who must die to free those who must leave, this freedom(democracy) was never free it is through blood and sweat that it was fought and won...that is the highest price one or any generation can ever par.
A loss of blood can lead to a loss of a man; a loss of a man is a loss of a family and a loss of family is a loss of a community...always remember that in your loss you are never alone!!
They might have left us against their will and against our wishes but we must never forget their efforts to give us a better life, our parents, our brothers and sisters, our partners and our children.
Death be not PROUD!!!!
Aluta Continua
Our struggle is also the struggle against forgetting. 

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